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​Many people see our building with its giant columns and large red doors and wonder what such a place could stand for and what its services might be like. So what does happen behind the red doors? We have services every Sunday at 11 am and they are diverse. We are an open-minded community of spiritual seekers so our services differ from one week to the next. 

There is usually music, stillness, and meditation or prayer but no set format.  There might be candle-lighting and quiet reflection one week and a traditional sermon with hymns the week after. 

Readings come from a wide range of sources. On any one Sunday, you might encounter modern poetry, ancient wisdom, the latest insights of science and the mystical writings of world faiths. You will not be expected to believe something that goes against your reason or your instinct but you will be invited to explore the world of mystery and meaning. 


More than anything services are a time for us to think about our lives and the world around us in a safe and sacred space.  The world is an awesome place full of wonder, joy and sorrow and with a measure of stress for each of us. Our Sunday services allow us to take stock and restore our spirits.    

Sunday Services at Brighton Unitarian Church are at 11 am and last about one hour. They are conducted by our own members and visiting ministers and friends from nearby churches. 

All are most welcome. If you do come we hope you have an affirming, thoughtful, moving, challenging, comforting, funny, transforming, profound, gentle, questioning or uplifting time!


Our services are held every Sunday at 11am in the church (unless otherwise indicated) and are usually live-streamed on our YouTube channel, 

The recording is then available on our website for seven days after the service.  

Afterwards, we stay on for tea/coffee, biscuits and conversation.

All are welcome.

6 October - John Naish (Member BUC)

13 October - Congregational Service led by Rev. Susie Courtault (Member BUC)* 

This service will not be live-streamed

20 October - Stephen Crowther (Member BUC)

27 October - Rev Sheena Gabriel

3 November - Rev Susie Courtault (Member BUC)

​10 November - Rev Jennifer Sanders (Minister BUC) * Remembrance Sunday Service

NB: Starts 10.50am so we can observe the two minutes silence at 11am. 

This service will not be live-streamed


​17 November - Eleanor Chiari (Lay Leader Sevenoaks)

​24 November - Rev Jennifer Sanders (Minister BUC)

1 December - Congregational Service led by Brian Bell (Member BUC)*

This service will not be live-streamed


8 December - Rev Julio Torres

15 December - Rev Jennifer Sanders (Minister BUC)* Winter Solstice Service

22 December - Candlelit Carol Service, 4pm with mince pies, mulled wine and juice

29 December - Francis Clark-Lowes (Member BUC)

Image by Hello I'm Nik 🎞

​Through the year we have services to mark each Equinox & Solstice. At these services we celebrate the earth and its seasons, and begin by lighting candles for the spirits of the North, East, South and West. Members of the congregation bring and share readings, objects from nature or simply talk about what the turning of the seasons means to them.


Please note: these videos are recorded live and might not be of the best quality. We will keep them here for people to catch up for 1 week.

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