Terms & Conditions of Hire
All services, ceremonies, rituals and rites of passage held in Brighton Unitarian Church must be led by recognised Unitarian worship leaders or celebrants. The church cannot be hired for services, ceremonies, rituals or rites of passage led by anyone other than established Unitarian worship leaders or celebrants. In this context ‘recognised’ refers to service leaders or celebrants known to this church or other Unitarian churches or chapels.
As agreed at the Church Committee Meeting on 8 January 2018, we do not hire the church to political parties or groups.
As a hirer of the church you are required to ensure that children, young people and vulnerable adults are protected at all times, by taking all reasonable steps to prevent injury, illness, loss or damage occurring; and that you carry full liability insurance for this.
Brighton Unitarian Church has a Policy for Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults. A statement about our commitment to safeguarding can be read at: https://www.brightonunitarian.org.uk/safeguarding A copy of the full policy can be consulted in the church office or you can request a copy be sent to you via email.
Your hire of the church is conditional upon you complying with this policy unless you already have an equivalent policy of your own.
To comply with Performing Rights Society regulations:
After each musical performance we require a copy of the programme, set list and audience numbers. This information will be sent to the Performing Rights Society. If PRS make a charge for copyright music, Brighton Unitarian Church will look to the performers to cover this cost in full.
To comply with the terms of our Premises Licence (Number 1445/2005/01833/LAPRE):
Performance of live and/or recorded music is possible both indoors and outdoors between the hours of 10:00-23:00 hours only.
Music performed outdoors cannot be amplified.
To comply with Health and Safety regulations:
Our license permits a maximum of 140 people in the building (this includes performers). When all seats are occupied it must be regarded as full and no further admissions allowed.
There must be one person designated to be responsible for fire procedure and safety. This person is responsible for raising the alarm and must know where the fire extinguishers are. These must not be moved except in an emergency. Fire exits are illuminated by emergency lights. The designated point for congregating (should the building have to be evacuated) is by the Max Miller statue by Pavilion Gardens/New Road. The responsible person must be aware of the procedure for exiting the building. The responsible person must raise the alarm with the Fire Brigade – call 999.
Fire exits, church steps and the North and South passageways must be kept clear.
Candles, naked flames, joss sticks and incense are not permitted.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building - this includes vaping.
It is a legal requirement that the hirer makes an assessment of risks that may be incurred through any equipment introduced by them into the premises.
All electrical equipment brought into the premises by hirers must be portable appliance (PAT) tested.
Hirers must have Public Liability Insurance for the event, to cover accidents that may be caused by their equipment or activities.
First Aid boxes are located in the kitchen and office. The responsible person should report any accidents or injuries to the Church Administrator/Venue Manager or Caretaker/Duty Manager for inclusion in the Accident Book.
Brighton Unitarian Church reserves the right to refuse or terminate any use or hire of the premises without explanation. Under normal circumstances either party must give one month’s notice of intention to cancel a regular hiring agreement. However cancellations due to a pandemic will be refunded in full.
It may be necessary at short notice to ask the hirer to cancel or reschedule a hire period. Brighton Unitarian Church reserves this right.
The agreed fee for the use of the premises must be paid in advance.
Nothing is to be attached to the fabric of the building, curtain or walls. We ask that you leave the premises clean and tidy, with the furniture arranged as it was when you entered.
If the kitchen is hired then the hirer must ensure that all food hygiene legislation is adhered to. All surfaces must be cleaned after use. No food is to be left in the kitchen after use. The hirer should ensure that all rubbish is disposed of into the bins provided. Recycling bins are provided for glass, metal, plastic (PET 1-5 only) and paper/cardboard. Large quantities of recycling, such as empty bottles and cans remaining after the provision of a bar or similar, should be taken away with the hirer at the end of the event. The nearest communal recycling bins are located in Regent Street.
The hirer must ensure that when leaving the premises all doors are properly closed and secure and all lights are turned off.
Hirers are only permitted on the premises during the agreed hiring period; any other access must be agreed in advance with Brighton Unitarian Church.
If keys are issued to hirers they remain the property of Brighton Unitarian Church. Under no circumstances will the hirer duplicate any keys or allow them to be used by any person not approved by Brighton Unitarian Church.
Any request for short-term on-site storage must be agreed with Brighton Unitarian Church in advance. Otherwise, the hirer must remove any equipment brought into the building on each occasion.
Any music or other noise must be kept at a reasonable level and must be finished by 23:00 hours.
Hire agreements will not extend beyond 23:00 unless otherwise agreed with Brighton Unitarian Church.
No alcohol may be sold or consumed on the premises without the approval of Brighton Unitarian Church. The building is not licensed for the sale of alcohol and where permission for the sale of alcohol is granted by Brighton Unitarian Church, the hirer is responsible for obtaining and paying for any such licence (TEN - Temporary Event Notice) as is required by law.
No betting, gaming, raffles or lotteries are permitted without the approval of Brighton Unitarian Church. Where permission is granted by Brighton Unitarian Church, the hirer is responsible for obtaining the necessary licence as required by law.
In case of an emergency arising out of the use of the premises the hirer should contact the Church Administrator/Venue Manager or Caretaker/Duty Manager or Maintenance Manager on the telephone numbers provided.
In cases of extreme emergencies (fire, criminal act, etc.) the emergency services should be contacted in the normal way and the Church Administrator/Venue Manager or Caretaker/Duty Manager informed as soon as possible.
I have read and understood the terms of agreement, and am aware of the fire safety procedures.